When is Snoring Sleep Apnea?
Snoring is an anatomical condition that directly impacts approximately 90 million adults in the United States, while indirectly affecting even more people through the harsh noise that snoring produces.
Okay, You Have Been Told You Snore… So What?
Snoring should be taken seriously and with caution because it may indicate and be a sign of a more serious medical condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a progressive condition, meaning that one does not immediately develop severe sleep apnea overnight but rather progressively moves through stages of mild to moderate to a severe form of the medical disorder. Often, snoring is one of the first signs of sleep apnea, as the nature of snoring indicates a collapse or narrowing of your airway while you sleep. However, not all people who have sleep apnea snore and not all people who snore have sleep apnea. That being said, the consequences of untreated sleep apnea are immense and should be taken in a serious and sensible manner.
How Do I Know My Snoring Is Sleep Apnea?
While snoring is one of the largest signs of sleep apnea, it does not necessarily mean that you do have sleep apnea. So is your snoring sleep apnea? We can help you find out. In the medical and dental offices we work with, we have an assessment form that we give to patients in order to take into account other important health information, which gives the doctors a more comprehensive understanding of the possibility for the prevalence of sleep apnea.
For your convenience, we have a sleep disorder assessment patient questionnaire that you can download, print, fill out, and bring with you on your first visit to our office. We can review it with you, explain what it means, and how we can help you.
However, the only way to confirm the presence of sleep apnea is to have an overnight recording of your breathing, heart rate and the amount of oxygen present in your blood at night. This a simple process that Superior Sleep and Wellness can walk you through.
Superior Sleep and Wellness is here for you. Please contact us to for an initial consultation and sleep disorder assessment from a doctor, both of which are free of charge. Our goal is to simply help you live a better, longer, and happier life. Please do not let your sleeping conditions stand in the way.